PoW - CPU Mining

The CPU mining phase has ended. PoS - Staking and Masternodes are currently active.

What is CPU Mining?

CPU mining is a process of adding transaction records to the public ledger of cryptocurrency by performing necessary calculations with Central Processing Unit (CPU). CPU is a part of computer that provides computing power for execution of operations performed by software installed on that computer.

Merge's wallet supports CPU mining of MERGE until block 57,601.

Source: https://en.bitcoinwiki.org/wiki/CPU_mining

Setup CPU Mining

Merge Wallet

Follow the next steps:

  1. Open the wallet.

  2. Go to Tools > Debug console.

  3. Type setgenerate true "X"

Where "X" is the number of CPU cores you are running on your machine.

Example: setgenerate true 2 This is for a machine having 2 CPU cores.

CPU Miner

You will need to have a MERGE address in your possession in order to benefit from the CPU Miner application. See Wallet to get a Merge wallet and take your MERGE address from "Receiving addresses...":

Also, you will need to choose a pool to mine with. There are details of suitable pools in the #merge-pool channel in Discord. The pools generally provide the essential parameters you will need for the CPU Miner. Some tweaking of the values might be necessary.


These instructions assume familiarity with the command line and some Linux competence. The below has been tested on an Ubuntu 16 based system.

Follow the next steps:

  1. Install dependencies:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install automake autoconf pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev libssl-dev libgmp-dev make g++
  2. Download CPU Miner's source code, compile and build the miner:

    git clone https://github.com/ProjectMerge/cpuminer-merge.git
    cd cpuminer-merge
  3. If you want the miner to be generally available on your machine, then:

    sudo make install
  4. Run the CPU Miner: Either from the cpuminer-merge directory by:

    ./cpuminer -a argon2m -o <your chosen pool> -u <your MERGE address> <any other parms recommended by your chosen pool> <any other parms>

    or, if installed system-wide or any other location in your path:

    cpuminer -a argon2m -o <your chosen pool> -u <your MERGE address> <any other parms recommended by your chosen pool> <any other parms>

    For example:

    ./cpuminer -a argon2m -o stratum+tcp://stratum.icemining.ca:4240 -u MTqTm4KQq9dbxrtLgpzpxDLZnbR18nHKsp -p c=MERGE

    which uses values for the icemining pool. This is NOT a recommendation, just a known working example. Be VERY careful to use the correct receiving address. If you get it wrong, the rewards will still be sent there and you will never see them!


Follow the next steps:

  1. Unzip and extract the folder cpuminer-merge-win64

  2. Open "Windows Command Prompt" or any other console you use and navigate to folder cpuminer-merge-win64

  3. Using the console, run the CPU miner:

    cpuminer.exe -a argon2m -o <your chosen pool> -u <your MERGE address> <any other parms recommended by your chosen pool> <any other parms>

    For example:

    cpuminer.exe -a argon2m -o stratum+tcp://pool.hashpool.eu:2811 -u MTZjwpSoJ95Hzj99iNyQAh8xbfk92B7sCG -p x

    which uses values for the hashpool pool. This is NOT a recommendation, just a known working example. Be VERY careful to use the correct receiving address. If you get it wrong, the rewards will still be sent there and you will never see them!

Stop CPU Mining

Merge Wallet

Follow the next steps:

  1. Open the wallet.

  2. Go to Tools > Debug console.

  3. Type setgenerate false

CPU Miner


Type <Ctrl> + c on the console to end the miner.


Close "Windows Command Prompt" window or the console you are using to run the miner.

Last updated